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A message from the organiser

Hello everyone, I have some important news regarding PlymouthFurs.


I've been thinking a lot lately about how far our group has come. How our small little get together's of 4 or 5 furs quickly grew into a large group of 15 to 20 people with 34 being our record number. We've had some amazing times together and I hope the meets have given all of you memories you'll remember for years to come.


However, It is with deep sadness, that I have made the decision to step down from running PlymouthFurs. The stress of keeping these meets running has started to affect my health and well-being and I cannot continue with the way things are without risk of serious complications.


All future PlymouthFurs meets have now be canceled, however, I will not be terminating the Telegram group chat. It will continue to run and be moderated by myself and our great team of admins. The chat will be a valuable tool for anyone wishing to host their own meets in Plymouth or the surrounding area.


I want to personally thank each and every one of you who have come to the meets over the past couple of years, I've had many tough moments in that time but it was the pleasure of watching you all having fun and enjoying the meets which gave me the strength to keep going.


I hope you all have enjoyed the time we have had together and I'm sure we will all continue to enjoy spending time together in future meets.


Thank you all,



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